Your Complete Information
Governance Partner
Discover how our Versatile software solutions and consulting services can help manage and protect your records and ensure you comply with legal retention requirements.

Software Solutions
Our intuitive, scalable records management and retention software can meet the needs of your business, no matter the size of your industry. Effortlessly manage the complete lifecycle of your onsite, offsite, electronic, or physical records—and feel confident your records comply with local, state, and federal regulations.

Consulting Services
With a global leader in records management and retention management on your side, you’ll be able to create, implement, and maintain a bulletproof information governance program. Whether you’re already running a management program or starting one for the first time, we have the expert guidance you need.
Why Choose Us?
We invite you to put our records and retention management software and consultants to the test. Our in-house experts are your trusted partners in records management and information governance. We provide a strategic advantage you need to manage the entire lifecycle of your records.
Make informed decisions
Rely on Zasio’s experts to navigate laws and regulations governing your records management program.
Categorize, sort, destroy, keep
Know the location of your records, determine their retention period, identify the appropriate time for destruction, and decide which records should be retained.
Work efficiently, gain time
Move from spreadsheets and manual systems and track physical and electronic records with our Versatile software solutions.
Companies That Depend on Zasio
Industry Insights
You’re Probably Not Keeping Your U.S. Tax & Accounting Records Long Enough
Having a retention plan for tax and accounting records is crucial for your business. To make such a plan, organizations often consult applicable federal laws, tax professionals, and similar businesses in the industry. Under this approach, most U.S. companies consider...
Building a Smarter RIM Program Through Structured Problem Solving
What do finance, healthcare, and great chess players have in common? Each relies on “structured problem solving”—a systematic approach to identifying, analyzing, and resolving complex issues—to overcome their thorniest challenges. In a world of rapidly growing data...
JOIN US! — When Data Becomes a Record: Tackling the Master Data Retention Question
Is data a record? Traditionally, no—so it’s often excluded from records retention schedules. However, this leaves records managers without clear guidelines for data deletion. This session tackles that dilemma, offering some practical tips and tools for RIM...
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Corporate Office
401 W. Front St.
Suite 305
Boise, ID 83702
(800) 513-1000

A pioneer in information governance, we continue to expand our technology and consulting services to help businesses of all sizes maintain the highest records management and retention standards.